Yesterday, Larry and I made a trip with about a hundred other teenagers (I'm really not sure how many kids there were--enough to fill two buses and a few cars as well) to the National Shrine in Washington, D.C. for a retreat. Our parish requires all confirmation candidates to attend a retreat before receiving the Sacrament: on this one the kids took a tour of the basilica; heard a couple of great talks by Father R. and Mr. C, our youth director; prayed the Rosary; went to Confession; and to top off the day, my favorite part--Mass in the amazing Crypt Church.
The Basilica (By the way, did you know that only a pope can declare a church a basilica? And that Pope John Paul II gave the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception this honor when he visited in 1979?) is full of some wonderful side chapels, statues, and mosaics, and I managed to get a few good shots of some of them:
The Vietnamese Our Lady of La Vang. I was doing Google searches this morning to try and remember the names of some of them, and I discovered that there are beautiful mosaics on the walls of this chapel that I didn't even look at. I was so focused on getting a photo of the statue (which is amazing) that I didn't notice them. The good news is, two years from now I'll go with Curly on his retreat here, and hopefully I'll see them then, if not before.
Our Lady of Lourdes
Looking toward the back of the Upper Church
(I ran across this article about this very image today by one of my favorite converts to the Faith, Scott Hahn--he likes it! And today during his Homily, Father R. said this is a great way to picture Our Lord, especially today on the Feast of Christ the King.)
The renovations in our church are almost finished, and it will be formally commissioned by the Bishop this week. It is going to be a big to-do, and I'm going to do my darndest to make sure we're there for it. A friend told me it would be like Easter Vigil on steroids; Mr. C says it's going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm not expecting to take photos during the Mass but I'm going to try and get some pictures of the new Church this week and share them with you here. (Click here and here to see some I took early on in the construction project. How different it looks now.)
This morning I prayed that God would help me make today a productive day, and still keep this Sabbath Day holy. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm trying; I won't have much free time tomorrow if I'm going to this big wonderful Hoo-Ha tomorrow.
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