Sunday, April 25, 2010

Praise for Miracles and Blessings Great and Small

God is so awesome!

In my last post, I asked for prayers for a construction worker who was injured at our parish. We found out yesterday that when he fell from the roof, he landed on a piece of steel rebar protruding from the ground, and was impaled from his hip to his chest. Miraculously, none of the man's vital organs were damaged, and he is expected to recover. If that isn't a miracle, I don't know what one is. Praise God! He's not out of the woods yet, so please keep him in your prayers.

Praise God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation!

Praise God for the gift of the Priesthood, and for all of the faithful men who have answered the call to this most noble of vocations. I am thankful to all of the priests who have touched my life over these fourteen years since I became a Catholic. In this time of persecution for the Church, our priests need our prayers more than ever.

Was it coincidence when we bought our house over twelve years ago, that it happened to be on the market when we needed to find something quickly? Was it coincidence that it had been for sale for several years, and the asking price was within our budget? And that it happened to be in a place which has lots of big trees and a lake (albeit a small, man-made one)? Every day for more than twelve years, we've been able to walk outside--even look out our windows--and witness scenes like this:

It's no wonder Curly wants to become a marine biologist, and Moe a zoologist. (Larry has been here the longest, and he wants to be a computer programmer.) We praise God for putting us in this beautiful spot. Even when thunderstorms and heavy snows knock down trees; even in the fall when there are endless leaves to rake.

Praise God for:

Herbs ready to plant

Local organic grass-fed burgers cooked on the grill

and the joy of catching critters.

I'm in! Are you?

The photos today are a mixture of ones we took this past Friday, Saturday, and today (Sunday) on our daily outdoor adventures.

I've posted almost every day this week. Next week I think I'll plan on publishing fewer blog posts--even though we'll keep exploring our environment, taking photos of God's creation, and sharing them with you. I'm hoping to catch up on some reading and-- just maybe-- finish the story of my conversion to the Catholic faith.

Have a blessed week, everyone!

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