It's been a few weeks since I posted my list of things I am praising and thanking God for. I know there are many more things to be thankful for than these!! Thank you as always to Jennifer for hosting this meme (and for allowing her bloggy friends to use her great chocolate Praise graphic! :D)
1. Praise God for the beautiful weather God has given us today. Sunny and warm, not too hot. Perfect!
2. Praise God that my attempt at baking my mother's famous coconut cake yesterday was successful, and I'll be able to submit it this afternoon for the cakewalk at our annual parish ice cream social!! I just pray that it will taste good to whoever wins it...
3. Praise God that we live in America, where we are free to speak our minds without fear.
4. Praise God that these last couple of weeks since the kids started school have given me the opportunity to attend daily Mass (well, almost daily), and a daily workout as well. This has strengthened me both physically and spiritually. I pray that when my days begin to get busier I will continue to make time for the Lord and for physical activity.
5. Praise God for my husband, who spends many weekends doing yard work so I won't have to. I'd much rather cook and mop floors than mow the grass and rake leaves.
6. Praise God for calling me to teach Religious Education at our parish, which starts tomorrow; and that my family continues to support me in this, even though my children do not participate anymore now that they're in Catholic school.
7. Praise God for giving us the opportunity to spend time with loved ones the last couple of weekends. I am thankful that both sides of our family (my husband's and mine) show nothing but love for each other. So many families hold grudges against each other and fight; I think we all get along so well because God has given us the grace to forgive and love each other, despite the differences we have.
8. Praise God that Curly, our middle son, is going to be taking guitar lessons from the same teacher he had last year. Mr. Dave, the teacher is making time in his schedule to allow Curly to visit his old Montessori school one afternoon a week to learn the guitar(Praise God!) Larry and Moe are excited, too, because since some of their friends spend their afternoons in the school's after-school program, they'll get to visit with them on a regular basis.
Have a blessed week, everyone!
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