We recently spent a weekend in Ocean City, Maryland. Most beach vacations we've taken in the past have been in North Carolina, where we'll rent a house for the week in a quiet place like Corolla or Ocean Isle Beach. Curly wasn't too thrilled at first about the idea of taking this particular trip to a place that would be more crowded with lots of traffic and high-rise hotels, but once we got there he decided this was a good place to be after all.
For this week's 7 Quick Takes I thought I'd share with you some highlights:
The Boardwalk

You have to have at least one umbrella drink when you go to the beach.
The boys enjoyed some of the arcade games that WE used to play.
I don't think I've ever seen so many kites flying at once.
It looked different every morning.
The View
Since we normally rent a house, we've never had an ocean view like this. It met with Curly's approval.
Joe told the boys that this was called Big Assawoman Bay. They thought that was hilarious.
The Surf
The Sand

They built a sand castle that I thought looked like Diamond Head.
That's Joe burying Moe in the sand. He covered up his face to keep the sun and sand out of his eyes.
Someone built this sculpture by the boardwalk.
The Rides...
...especially the ferris wheel.
The Five-Minute Walk to Church
(Stay tuned for more about St. Luke's!)
We were a little bit concerned last weekend as Hurricane Irene approached. Ocean City got hit pretty hard, but the damage wasn't nearly as bad as everyone feared. I'm glad we got our vacation in before then!
For more Quick Takes, check out Jen at Conversion Diary!
Have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!
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